Ralph Leon Hunter (Rude Bwoy Ralphy)

I received the call on a Friday, on the other end; it was one of the girls who used to work at Mangos. She asked me if it was true, what she heard about Ralph, I told her I would call her back. I called Patrick right after, and he confirmed it, and the world stood still...
I had seen him a week before, the Friday before. It was yet another night at Mangos, it was the usual set, you know, I did the usual covers: Damien's "Welcome to Jamrock," Bounty's "It's Okay," Jonny's "Walk the Line" as always, the regular routine...when Prince P introduced the band, Ralph did his Slick Rick rendition of "La-Di-Da-Di" and thus ended another wicked set, and as usual, the crowd went crazy, the streamers fell from the ceiling, and it was just another night at Mangos...and as usual, after the last set, I excahnged greetings and words with everyone from the Innasense family, Jimmi, Icardo, Patrick, Anderson, and Ralphi...
That night, Ralph came up to me, and he asked if I knew "Traffic Jam," by Stephen Marley, at the very end of the set, he had began to beat box it, so I knew it was on his mind. I told him, I would learn it, so we could perform it some time soon...but some time never came, and nothing was as usual...
From the very first time I set foot on that stage at Mangos, Ralph always encouraged me...Jimmy, Icardo, Patrick, they always made me feel welcome, and for that, I am thankful...I'm glad I had the opportunity to perform alongside Rude Bwoy Ralphi, the wickedest drummer, straight...I feel very fortunate that our paths crossed, and his passing has left me buried in deep thought...
It was an honor to have met Ralph's sister for the first time at his memorial service & musical celebration at Mangos...I can't imagine what his family is going through, but I definitely will keep them in my prayers...then I saw his daughter, and it was then, that I realized that there is life after death...because music is life, and music was definitely his life, his daughter, his family, his friends were all an extension of that life, and it was amazing to see how many people were touched by his...whenever I perform at Mangos, I still feel his presence there...
As Mos Def said:
Tomorrow may never come
For you or me
Life is not promised
Tomorrow may never appear
You better hold this very moment close to you
So close to you - don't be afraid...
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