"I Won't Entertain No More Disgrace..." (Part 2)

So I gave Ric a call in the afternoon to confirm the night's lineup, and he basically told me "things were not going to go the way he planned;" and since there was the impending threat of rain, he might have to bring everything inside, so patience would be a neccessity tonight.
First step, connect with the promoter/organizer. Check. Step two, link my dj for the night, J-Kizzle, and let him know the low-down. Check. Step three, put together my playlist for the night, hope for the best and plan for the worst. Check. Good to go.
The doors opened at 8:30 p.m, so I got to PS14 around 10 p.m., which is early by C.P.T standards (Caribbean People Time). When I got there, I think Spred the Dub was playing at the time. Just like Ric said, they had all the bands play inside, since the back patio was outside in the back. It did rain for a little bit, but it eventually stopped, so I told Ric I would still play outside, since they were setting up another dj set out there. That turned out to be a serious mission, I couldn't find an extra mic nowhere...they were all being used inside...note to self, invest in my own personal mic. Check. Then my dj, J-Killa, had forgot his headphones, so that was another mission again. We found a pair, and he played a set on the patio, but I was still without a mic.
Luckily, my good breddren, Don Sha and his band, were playing that night, so I just sat in on their set. I did a cover of Ini Kamoze's "World A Reggae Music," and then transitioned into a combination with Don on my signature Damien Marley tune, "Welcome to Jamrock." It wasn't til after they finished their set, that I thought, damn, I should have just did two of my own tracks right after they were done...
Since they were breaking down everything, I didn't want to perform while the bands were breaking down and setting up, so I figured I would get in maybe before Artofficial. After Don Sha finished playing, I went straight to the back patio and joined J-Killa while he juggled couple tunes for the listening pleasure of the people. By the time we were done playing out, Artofficial had already set up...oh yeah, big up my man on the grill for the free hot dog...it hit the spot, mos def...so we just headed back inside.
Artofficial was onstage lighting the place up, so respect to my man Danny for inviting me to join them onstage, my freestyle was completely off though, my mind was somewhere else, like a Tribe Called Quest & Faith Video: "I really know how it feels to be stressed out..." I let the stress get the best of me, but that's how it be sometimes...WORD...