No Sleep Till Brooklyn...
It was just another cold Friday night in Brooklyn...Bushwick was quiet, except for the occasional police or ambulance siren, accompanied by the sound of the subway train passing on the tracks above...It felt good to be back in Brooklyn, my home away from home. Is Brooklyn in the house, without a doubt...

On this particular night, I found myself at Good Bye Blue Monday, a somewhat off in the cut establishment, with a very non–traditional decor, apparently one man's garbage is another man's treasure, indeed. The place was decorated with a random collection(or maybe only random to the eye of the beholder) of vinyl, books, umbrellas, vintage bicycles, typewriters, I guess a better word would be an "eclectic" collection, I was diggin' the spot, but then again, I've always dug the obscure.
When I arrived inside, the very last act before me was on, and there was a moderately good size crowd in the place. One of the reasons why I booked the show was to try and expand my fan base in NYC, which, as of now, was a very moderate size, like the crowd inside. As soon as the last act ended, I keep calling them the "last act," because I have a really bad memory, and unfortunately, I forgot the name of the band that played right before me, but they were good peoples, they stayed around for my set, so I did appreciate that, just can't remember their names, damn, I guess blame it on age, among other things.
So, the last act ended their set, and I started preparing for mine, but slowly, one by one, I watched people get up and leave. That's when I kicked into infomercial mode, and started selling my show like a $19.99 Juicer that also doubles as a flashlight, and that's not all you get, if you stick around for my show, you'll get a second juicer absolutely free of charge, now imagine what your life was like before you had two juicers, empty, right? So, in other words, I tried to convince them to stay with that million dollar smile, but apparently it was only worth five dollars, because some of them still left, but a few stayed around. I did what I could, so I returned to preparing for my set and checking off my checklist.
My "Usual Suspects" Crew in NYC, P and Saran in place, CHECK.

Locate sound guy, CHECK.

Once I got everything where it should be, I began my set, and started it off with a spoken word piece.

One girl in the audience was married, so I dedicated it to her and all the committed people in the room.

The overall set was good, but the crowd was a little smaller than I expected, but yuh dun kno, I and I play anywhere music play, could be one person, or five thousand...I still jam zed way, yu zi mi, a so I stay, me nuh business, regardless of the situation, I will always play, COMMITMENT. Big respect to the Good Bye Blue Monday management, they made sure things were smooth, and allowed me to play on very short notice, so respect due.
As far as Brooklyn, I must bid you adieu, but like Arnold, "I'll be back..."
GOD BLESS and GOOD NIGHT...Next stop, Boston.
On this particular night, I found myself at Good Bye Blue Monday, a somewhat off in the cut establishment, with a very non–traditional decor, apparently one man's garbage is another man's treasure, indeed. The place was decorated with a random collection(or maybe only random to the eye of the beholder) of vinyl, books, umbrellas, vintage bicycles, typewriters, I guess a better word would be an "eclectic" collection, I was diggin' the spot, but then again, I've always dug the obscure.
When I arrived inside, the very last act before me was on, and there was a moderately good size crowd in the place. One of the reasons why I booked the show was to try and expand my fan base in NYC, which, as of now, was a very moderate size, like the crowd inside. As soon as the last act ended, I keep calling them the "last act," because I have a really bad memory, and unfortunately, I forgot the name of the band that played right before me, but they were good peoples, they stayed around for my set, so I did appreciate that, just can't remember their names, damn, I guess blame it on age, among other things.
So, the last act ended their set, and I started preparing for mine, but slowly, one by one, I watched people get up and leave. That's when I kicked into infomercial mode, and started selling my show like a $19.99 Juicer that also doubles as a flashlight, and that's not all you get, if you stick around for my show, you'll get a second juicer absolutely free of charge, now imagine what your life was like before you had two juicers, empty, right? So, in other words, I tried to convince them to stay with that million dollar smile, but apparently it was only worth five dollars, because some of them still left, but a few stayed around. I did what I could, so I returned to preparing for my set and checking off my checklist.
My "Usual Suspects" Crew in NYC, P and Saran in place, CHECK.
Locate sound guy, CHECK.
Once I got everything where it should be, I began my set, and started it off with a spoken word piece.
One girl in the audience was married, so I dedicated it to her and all the committed people in the room.
The overall set was good, but the crowd was a little smaller than I expected, but yuh dun kno, I and I play anywhere music play, could be one person, or five thousand...I still jam zed way, yu zi mi, a so I stay, me nuh business, regardless of the situation, I will always play, COMMITMENT. Big respect to the Good Bye Blue Monday management, they made sure things were smooth, and allowed me to play on very short notice, so respect due.
As far as Brooklyn, I must bid you adieu, but like Arnold, "I'll be back..."
GOD BLESS and GOOD NIGHT...Next stop, Boston.
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